Sunday 26 January 2014

A few things I do to live with arthritis

Someone recently reminded me that we each come with something, mine happens to be a dire sense of humour and arthritis! However, I'm stuck with the first and I'm working on the second ;) Here are a few things I do that improves my way to living with this condition.

  • Decide how my thoughts are going to be - This may sound obvious/simplistic but I think most of us know that hit us with a challenge and we'll often find a different person reveals itself from within. Once I got to grips that I have this life long disability I soon figured that I have little choice but to learn from each section of it and find a positive. I start each day with a decision: Will I try or will I quit? The latter has never been an option since arthritis is not the worst thing thats ever happened to me, just the longest.
  • I plan my route from where I am to where I want to go - I check the floor, the width and what furniture I have to hold on to when I need to go from one room to another. The floor needs to be clear and I need a little more than my body width to allow for balance and ease of using sticks if/when I need them.
  • I use little bags when I'm carrying small things round - I use two mobile phones, I wear glasses for reading and other ones for general, I use a stylus for touch screens and I like to have my days tub of meds with me (not knowing where I'll land and spend the rest of the day!) This is easy to hang over the handle of the crutch without banging on my knees.
  • Position the perch - when I want to be in the kitchen (notice how you want to wash up when you just can't?!!) I perch my stool in a way that I can achieve more than one job. At least I feel I've done something.
  • Keep the mind busy - I love reading, creating and blogging as well as crocheting, writing and mind strengthening games so I keep a selection of things at the side of my sofa in pretty tins/baskets. Even if I need to rest up I can still 'live' through my books, create with my wool, writing or something else.
  • Spend more, save even more - I love to buy things that are functional, pretty and even just fun but I don't want to pay more than I should do so I will price match, search vouchers and price compare. I shop online for many things cos I get the best deals in some gem places. I believe in having savings for a rainy day and being self sufficient, I can focus more on this when I'm resting and find new recipes, diy projects etc to still inject a good life style for the kids and I.
  • Lets get personal - I love to chat with people. I am fascinated by people from all backgrounds, ages, cultures so I try to keep all line of communication open. I am open minded and like to learn so I enjoy hearing what others do, their culture, beliefs, opinions and if I get to throw mine in too, even better. Building friendships is something I just love to do. Friendships. They are priceless.
  • Record the memories - I enjoy digital scrapbooking, recording the memories I have of my family and friends through photos and recording what each one is about.
  • Why my fingers are sore and I use my splints to relax them, I listen to a talk, I love church leaders and inspirational leaders. I am a self help freak.
  • Plan - I know I can only do certain things so I plan what needs doing and set out to achieve what I cant with someone who can, be it paid or service. Accept your inabilities and work it to a positive, other people like/want/need blessings too :)
  • Food - Study what you eat, when you eat and forget about diets! Keep a journal of it for a couple of weeks then research the best or recomended food that will help your condition/symptoms. Work out a new menu plan, source the items at the best quality and price then order them in. Doing this will save money, time and worry about what to cook.
  • Buy in fresh fruit and veg - every 3 weeks I have a family box of season fruit and veg delivered to my door. This is produced locally, though obviously some foods are sourced in but are extremely high value and well worth the money. I pay £17 for a large box (think an apple box) full to overloading and all is excellent. We batch cook and bake, create fun, healthy and concoction meals and I super love my slow cooker for almost everything. 
  • Sleep when my body needs it - now this isn't always practical, I understand that. When you can rest do it, don't push the ticket further than you can just because you want to get something done, there is nothing in this world more important than your health! Respect that and it'll reward you, even if its just a few hours of little or no pain. It's all in the details.
  • Don't give up on life outside - I don't drink alcohol so I tend not to go to pubs/clubs (I do take my kids to Brewers Fayre for a meal now and again) But as I'm a homing gal I have focussed my life at home doing a range of things. Sometimes I regret that I haven't allocated time out for me then other times I think I done the right thing. I can't say I'm unhappy but it would be nice to get out with other adults from time to time.
  • Ask for help - this is a biggie! It took me some very dire lows to actually ask for help and even then I resented it. I have been independant from a very young age so to have that threatened/taken away is always tough but I'm learning. I am blessed that I have people who want to help when they can. 
Im interested if anyone has any other tips on how to adapt to arthritis, I guess I'm in such a routine that I don't necessarily notice what else I do actually do in consideration of it anymore but I'm sure more will come up soon enough! :))


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